How to Print Elapsed Time in Python?

calculate elapsed time in python

Learn how to measure elapsed time in Python and print how long your code takes to run. This guide covers simple methods using Python’s time function to calculate execution time for better performance tracking.

Measuring how long it takes for a function to run is important for improving code performance. Python offers simple ways to track and display the time taken, helping developers spot slow parts and make their code faster. In this guide, we’ll look at easy methods to measure execution time in Python using built-in tools.

Basic Concept of Measuring Elapsed Time in Python – A Real World Analogy

Measuring time in Python is like tracking how long a task takes in real life. Imagine you’re baking a cake. You note the time when you put the cake in the oven, and then check the time when you take it out. The difference between these two times is how long the cake was in the oven, or its “baking time.”

Similarly, in Python, the idea is simple: you record the time when your code starts running and then note it again when it finishes. The difference between the two times is called the “elapsed time.” Python has built-in functions to help you accomplish this.

Elapsed Time real world example
Baking Elapsed Time

How to Time How Long a Function Takes to Execute in Python?

In Python, there are multiple ways to time how long a functions or a specific part fo code takes to execute. Those methods are discussed below along with their syntax and exampels codes.

Measuring Elapsed Time with the time Module

The time module is one of Python’s simplest ways to measure elapsed time. It includes a function called time() that returns the current time in seconds since a specific date, known as the Unix epoch, which is January 1, 1970. This date was chosen because it marks the beginning of time tracking for Unix-based systems. The Unix epoch serves as a universal “starting point” for calculating elapsed time. It helps all computers use the same starting point to measure and compare times. By having this fixed date, we avoid confusion when different systems might have chosen other starting dates. By recording the start time before the code runs and the end time after execution, you can calculate the elapsed time accurately. This method allows you to measure how long a function or code block takes to execute in Python.


import time
  • import time: Allows you to use the time module’s functions for measuring and working with time in your code.
  • time (module): A built-in Python tool for working with time-related tasks.
  • .time() (function): Gives the current time in seconds starting from January 1, 1970.

A module is a collection of functions, while a function is a specific task within a module.


In this code, we measure the elapsed time it takes for a loop to run using Python’s time module. First, we need to import the time module by using import time. We then record the current time with time.time() and store it in start_time. Next, the program enters a for loop that iterates 1,000,000 times, but doesn’t do anything inside the loop (it just “passes”). After the loop finishes, we use time.time() again to get the end time (end_time). To find out how long the loop took to run, we subtract start_time from end_time. Finally, the program prints the execution time in seconds.

import time

print("Starting the timer...")
start_time = time.time()  # Start the timer

# Simulate a task by running a loop
for i in range(1000000):
    pass  # This loop just runs and does nothing

end_time = time.time()  # End the timer
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time

print(f"Elapsed time: {elapsed_time:.4f} seconds")


Starting the timer...
Elapsed time: 0.0485 seconds

Using the timeit Module

The timeit module in Python is great for measuring how long small pieces of code take to run. Unlike time.time(), which can be affected by your computer’s activity, timeit runs the code multiple times to get a better average. This helps you measure execution time more accurately. You can use it to find out how to time how long a function takes to execute and calculate elapsed time in seconds. Whether you’re running it in a script or directly in the Python shell, it’s a reliable way to check the performance of your code.


import timeit
timeit.timeit(stmt='code_to_test', number=any_number)
  • import timeit: Allows you to use the timeit module’s functions for measuring execution time of code snippets.
  • stmt: The code to be executed, provided as a string.
  • number: The number of times to execute stmt.


In this example, we start by importing the timeit module to measure how long a piece of code takes to run. We define the code we want to test as a string because timeit.timeit() expects the code in this format. The string contains a loop that adds numbers from 0 to 999, performing a task. We use timeit.timeit() with the stmt argument, which stands for “statement” and indicates the code block that we want to measure. We also use the number=1000 argument to specify that the code should be executed 1,000 times. This setup helps timeit run the code repeatedly to get an accurate measure of performance. The result is stored in execution_time, and we print this value to understand how long the code took to run, helping us evaluate its efficiency.

import timeit

# Code to measure
code_to_test = '''
total = 0
for i in range(1000):
    total += i

# Measure execution time
execution_time = timeit.timeit(stmt=code_to_test, number=1000)

# Print the result
print(f"Execution time: {execution_time} seconds")


Execution time: 0.09671047600022575 seconds

Using the datetime Module

The datetime module in Python is useful for handling dates and times in a detailed way. Unlike the time or timeitmodules, which focus on simpler time measurements or code performance, datetime lets you measure elapsed time between two events with detailed information like hours, minutes, and seconds. This helps you calculate Python elapsed time more clearly and is great for recording time durations in a format that’s easier to read and use for reporting or debugging. Whether you need to measure how long a function takes or track time in a more detailed manner, datetime is a flexible choice for handling Python measure time tasks.


from datetime import datetime
  • from datetime import datetime: This imports the datetime class from the datetime module, allowing you to create and manipulate date and time objects.
  • This method fetches the current local date and time, providing a datetime object that includes the current year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and microsecond.


In this example, we use the datetime module to measure how long a task takes. We begin by importing datetime and recording the current time before the task starts using The task itself is a loop that adds numbers from 0 to 999,999. After the task is completed, the end time is recorded again using The difference between the start and end times gives us the elapsed time. Finally, the program prints the duration in a human-readable format, allowing us to see exactly how long the task took in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds.

from datetime import datetime

# Record the start time
start_time =

# Example task: Loop through a list
total = 0
for i in range(1000000):
    total += i

# Record the end time
end_time =

# Calculate the elapsed time
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time

# Print the elapsed time in a readable format
print(f"Elapsed time: {elapsed_time}")


Elapsed time: 0:00:00.073445

Achieving High Precision with perf_counter

The time.perf_counter() function in Python is perfect for measuring how long something takes with very high accuracy. It’s great for Python measure time tasks, especially when you need to know exactly how long a function takes to run. Unlike time.time(), which can be affected by system changes, perf_counter() provides precise and reliable elapsed time in seconds. This makes it ideal for timing small operations and calculating Python elapsed time accurately.


import time
  • import time: Allows you to use the time module’s functions for measuring and working with time in your code.
  • time.perf_counter(): provides a high-precision timer for accurate measurements of time intervals.


The code measures the time it takes to execute a loop that runs one million times. It starts by recording the current time with time.perf_counter() and stores it as start_time. After this, the code runs a loop which essentially does nothing but iterate one million times. Once the loop finishes, it records the time again with time.perf_counter() and stores it as end_time. By subtracting start_time from end_time, it calculates the elapsed time. Finally, it prints this duration showing how long the loop took to run with precise timing.

import time

# Start the high-precision timer
start_time = time.perf_counter()

# Simulate a task by running a loop
for i in range(1000000):
    pass  # This loop just runs without any task

# Stop the high-precision timer
end_time = time.perf_counter()

# Calculate the elapsed time
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time

print(f"Elapsed time: {elapsed_time:.8f} seconds")


Elapsed time: 0.03181160 seconds


Measuring elapsed time in Python is important for understanding and improving code performance. Python provides different ways to do this. For quick checks, you can use time.time() to measure elapsed time. For more accurate results, timeit and perf_counter() are better choices. The datetime module gives easy-to-read results, while perf_counter()provides very precise measurements. By using these methods, developers can effectively calculate Python elapsed time, find slow parts of their code, and make improvements to speed up their programs.

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