How to Filter None From a List in Python?

remove none values from a list

Learn how to filter out None values from a list in Python using filter(), remove(), pop(), itertools.false(), and other methods to clean and process your data with real-world examples.

List in Python

A list is a data type in Python and is a mutable, ordered collection of items that can hold elements of different data types. For example, a list of student scores, a list of groceries, etc.

None Values in a List – A Real-world Analogy

Let’s imagine you are managing a parking lot. Several of the parking slots are occupied, while a few slots are empty. These empty slots are basically the None value in the parking lot (list). Now, let’s say you want to calculate how many cars are parked. In this case, you ignore the empty slots and focus only on the occupied ones. Similarly, filtering out None values is like counting only the occupied parking spaces in a parking lot.

parking lot aanlogy - none vlues in a list python

In Python, None values can arise from incomplete or missing data or return by a function. You remove the None values to focus on the important data, just like counting only the parked cars, not the spaces. Python makes it easy to filter out None so you only work with useful information.

Bringing the Analogy to Code

Consider, you have a list of parked cars that includes some None values. These None values represent missing or empty slots. Now, to process the list, you need to remove these None values.

parked_cars = [None, 'Toyota', 'Ford', None, 'Honda', 'Honda']

Your goal is to filter out the None values from the list. After removing the None values, you should obtain the following list

new_list = ['Toyota', 'Ford', 'Honda', 'Honda']

Reasons to Remove None Values from a List

  • Data Cleaning and Consistency: None values can indicate missing or incomplete data. Removing them makes the data cleaner and more uniform for easier processing, analysis, and visualization.
  • Avoiding Errors During Operations: Some functions or calculations may not handle None values correctly and could result in errors. Removing them beforehand can prevent such issues.
  • Enhancing Performance: If you plan to iterate over or perform operations on the list, None values can add unnecessary overhead. Removing them can speed up operations by reducing the size and complexity of the data.
  • Filtering for Specific Conditions: Sometimes, None values are irrelevant to your use case. For example, if you’re analyzing numerical data, None values may not contribute meaningful information and should be removed.
  • Better User Experience: If the data from the list is shown to users, displaying None values might be confusing or not meaningful. Removing them leads to a cleaner and more understandable output for the end-user.
  • Optimizing Storage Space: If you have large lists with many None values, cleaning them out can save memory and storage space, with large datasets in applications with limited resources.

Methods to Filter Out None From a List in Python

Python has many ways to remove none values from a list. Let’s discuss each one of them from built-in methods to manual ways.

Use filter() to Remove None Values

The filter() method in Python is used to choose elements from a sequence (such as a list) depending on a condition. It applies a function to each element and only returns those that meet the requirement.


filter(function, iterable)
  • Function: A function that runs on each item of the iterable
  • Iterable: a sequence that needs to be filtered


We have a list of parked cars, but some spots are empty (None). We want to filter out these empty spots and keep only the car brands. The filter() function goes through each item in parked_cars. lambda x: x is not None: This anonymous (small) function checks if an item (x) is not None. If the item is not None, it will keep it. The filter() function returns a special filter object, so we convert it into a normal list using list(). Finally, we print the, which now contains only car brands.

# List of parked cars with some None values
parked_cars = [None, 'Toyota', 'Ford', None, 'Honda', 'Honda']

# Using the filter() function to filter out None values
new_list = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, parked_cars))

# Print the new list with only valid car brands


['Toyota', 'Ford', 'Honda', 'Honda']

Use the pop() Method

You can use the pop() method with a while loop to get rid of none values from a list.


while condition: 
# Code to execute
  • Condition: A logical expression (e.g., i < 10). As long as this condition is True, the loop will continue.
  • Inside the loop, the program checks for None values and removes them from the list if found.


# List of parked cars with some None values
parked_cars = [None, 'Toyota', 'Ford', None, 'Honda', 'Honda']
# Initialize an index to start at the beginning of the list
i = 0
# Use a while loop to iterate over the list
while i < len(parked_cars):
    if parked_cars[i] is None:  # Check if the current element is None
        parked_cars.pop(i)      # Remove the None value
        i += 1  # Move to the next element only if current is not removed
# Print the new list with only valid car brands


['Toyota', 'Ford', 'Honda', 'Honda']

Use remove() to Filter None Values

Python’s remove() function is used to remove the first instance of a specified item from a list. It’s useful when you need to eliminate specific items, like None values, from a list. If the requested value is not found in the list, Python throws a ValueError.


  • list: The list from which you want to remove the item.
  • value: The item to be removed from the list. Only the first occurrence is removed.


The code utilizes a while loop and the remove() function to delete all None entries from the list. while None in parked_cars: This loop will continue as long as None is present in the parked_cars list. It scans the list for any instances of None. parked_cars.remove(None): Within the loop, the remove() function is used to remove the first instance of None from the list. Each iteration of the loop eliminates one None.

# List of parked cars with some None values
parked_cars = [None, 'Toyota', 'Ford', None, 'Honda', 'Honda']

# Use a while loop to remove all occurrences of None
while None in parked_cars:
    parked_cars.remove(None)  # Remove the first occurrence of None

# Print the new list with only valid car brands


['Toyota', 'Ford', 'Honda', 'Honda']

Use itertools.filterfalse()

The itertools.filterfalse() function is part of the itertools module and is used to filter out elements from an iterable based on a condition. It excludes elements where the condition (predicate) returns True, keeping only those where the predicate returns False. This is particularly useful when you want to filter out specific values, such as None, from a list.


itertools.filterfalse(predicate, iterable)
  • predicate: A function that returns True for values to be excluded and False for values to be kept.
  • iterable: The sequence (list, tuple, etc.) from which elements are filtered.


The code uses the itertools.filterfalse() function to filter out the None values from the list. itertools.filterfalse(), this function from the itertools module excludes entries where the predicate is True. In this situation, the condition is looking for None values. lambda x: x equals None: This is a tiny anonymous function (lambda function) that returns True when the item is None and False otherwise. filterfalse() maintains just the entries where the condition is False (i.e., values other than None).

Since itertools.filterfalse() provides an iterator, we use the list() function to convert it back into a normal list. Finally, we print the updated list, which only includes valid car brands.

import itertools

# List of parked cars with some None values
parked_cars = [None, 'Toyota', 'Ford', None, 'Honda', 'Honda']

# Using itertools.filterfalse to filter out None values
new_list = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x is None, parked_cars))

# Print the new list with only valid car brands


['Toyota', 'Ford', 'Honda', 'Honda']

Use for Loop to Manually Remove None

To remove none using for loop, make an empty list, write a for loop iterating through each element of the original list, and append only the non-None values to the new list.

Here we have created a new variable called new_list which is initialized to an empty list. Then we iterate through every element of parked_cars and if it is not None, we append it to the new_list. Finally, we print the new_list


parked_cars = [None, 'Toyota', 'Ford', None, 'Honda', 'Honda']
new_list = []
for x in parked_cars:
    if (x != None):


new_list = ['Toyota', 'Ford', 'Honda', 'Honda']

List Comprehension

You can even optimize the for loop by using list comprehension which offers a concise and clear way to create a new list in Python by applying an expression or condition to filter out values from an existing list.


We have a list of parked cars, but some spots are empty (None). We want to filter out these empty spots and keep only the car brands. x for x in parked_cars loops through each item in the parked_cars list. if x is not None, this condition checks if x is not None. If the condition is true x is added to the new_list. Finally, a new_list without None is printed. 

# Original list of parked cars with some None values
parked_cars = [None, 'Toyota', 'Ford', None, 'Honda', 'Honda']

# Using list comprehension to filter out None values
new_list = [x for x in parked_cars if x is not None]

# Print the new list with only valid car brands


['Toyota', 'Ford', 'Honda', 'Honda']


Filtering out None values from a list is a common Python activity when dealing with incomplete or missing data. There are numerous ways to do so, each with its own benefits. All of these ways can be utilized depending on your specific needs and coding preferences. It gives you more flexibility and control when dealing with lists that contain None items.


Why would you want to remove None values from a list in Python?

Removing None values clean and standardize data, prevent errors, enhance performance by reducing data size, and improve user experience by providing clearer outputs.

How can list comprehension be used to filter out None values in Python?

List comprehension offers a concise way to iterate over a list and include only non-None values by specifying a condition inside square brackets.

What is the difference between using remove() and pop() for removing None values?

remove() deletes the first occurrence of a specific value (None) from the list, while pop() removes an item based on its index within a loop.

What is the simplest method to filter out None values from a list?

The simplest method is to use filter() with a lambda function to filter out None values, returning a new list without them.

When would you use itertools.filterfalse() to filter None values?

You use itertools.filterfalse() when you want to exclude specific values, like None, from a list by providing a condition that returns True for items to exclude.

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